Monday, August 18, 2014

Traci's Scans

Hello Traci!

I scanned in one page and here are the results of testing it out:

They scanned just fine, which is good news!

Straight pictures are a little more tricky (for right angle cropping, looking just like the original). This is due to some pictures not being exactly on the page perfectly straight. Which is not a real problem when looking at the photos in the albums. The scanner picks up on even 1 degree off (I wish it weren't so picky, haha). See pictures below with explanations.

Original scan, not square.

Rotated and cropped picture.

Picture was straight!!

Cropped square.

Original scan, not square.

Rotated and cropped picture.

Questions for you to consider:

Would you like me to complete the order?

If so, would you like me to scan and leave as the original (possible album page around the edges, if not square)?
Or would you like me to scan, and then crop (and rotate as needed) to make it look like the original? If you choose this option, the price will go up from .31 cents to .39 cents each scan for additional work involved.

It all depends on what you would like to do with the digital pictures in the end. I am happy to scan them either way! I thought leaving the white space around the picture, with the date printed, was a good idea. I can also crop them to fit exactly and leave out the white edges. Your choice!

Your satisfaction is most important. If you have any comments or questions, you can e-mail me at or call 651.925.9120. Let me know what you think! :)



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